Holy Trinity Ladies Philoptochos Pantanassa – Chapter 3029
Philoptochos literally means “friends of the poor,” and a willingness help to those in need has characterized our ministry since 1931, when Philoptochos was established in the Archdiocese. Since then, our organization has raised millions, nationwide, for those who are hungry, forgotten, displaced, abused, suffering illness or simply needing the help of the Church.
Our ministry offers members opportunities to express love, compassion and hope through interaction with those we serve. We endeavor to be good stewards of our parish, supporting our parish’s events and our Hellenic American Academy, reaching out to our seniors, awarding scholarships to our youth, hosting events and so much more. Holy Trinity Philoptochos strives to support not only the activities of our Parish, but also Philoptochos projects in our Metropolis & Archdiocese and the needs of our Greater Lowell Community.
Within our sisterhood, you will find not only meaningful efforts but also meaningful friendships. When we serve others together, a profound bond is formed. When we all make the decision to care for others, together, we grow in Christ. The faithful, kind and engaging women of Philoptochos are ready to welcome you! We hope you will review our Philoptochos Mission Statement, learn more and contact us soon!
Vivian Panagakis
Vice-President 2nd Vice-President
Theodora N. Stathopoulos Roula Karafilidis
Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary
Roberta Shea Donna Zouzas
Treasurer Assistant Treasurer
Jill Cricones Vasilike Hondros
Athena Quattrochi & Maria Panagakis
Board Advisor
Christine Themeles
Board Members
Angela Hondros
Niki Iliopoulos
Maria Karafoti
Maria Kazanis
Susan Kokkinos
Angela Kontos
Christine Panagiotopoulos
Betty Themeles
Mary Themeles
Philoptochos News and Upcoming events….
SAVE THE DATE: Philoptochos Fall Fair November 2, 2024
Metropolis of Boston and National Philoptochos News…
Veterans Operation Housewarming: During the Christmas season, the Boston Metropolis provided the New England VA Healthcare System with the needed household items from the Veterans Wish List to assist the homeless veterans in their transition to independent living. Additionally, Christmas gifts were presented for 50+ children of the homeless families.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holytrinity.lowell
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holytrinitylowell/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HolyLowell
Youtube page for all Church Services: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ukMQyQlULGbNIXSEGfVKA/videos?view=57&pbjreload=102